Happy Sunday! And happy 2022!
Since the end-of-year wrap-ups have been going around the blogosphere, I figured I'd jump in. 2021 was . . . a rollercoaster of a year, to be sure, but we survived!
I've tried writing this post at least three times, and none of the formats I tried were working for me. So I'm just going to use bullet points and hope for the best. XD
[all photos by me :D]
j a n u a r y :
- watched a lot of Attack on Titan
- went back to college
- first snow day! ft. an epic snowball fight
- participated in the Writer Games and pulled a 10k writing weekend!
f e b r u a r y :
- went on a mini road trip to a creek, during which we got lost and goofed off
- snow on the ground every single day
- watched WandaVision with friends <3
- began to use Discord a lot more
m a r c h :
- my literature professor played Jeopardy music during our pop quiz XD
- read Unlocked (KOTLC 8.5) all in one day and DIED INSIDE at the ending
- the Attack on Titan finale
- discovered webtoons!
a p r i l :
- Easter with friends! ft. a midnight McDonalds run on Holy Saturday because we were all starving
- lost my mind over a horror TV show, which was . . . an experience XD
- beautiful weather, beautiful sunsets, beautiful people
- our cafeteria began serving chocolate ice cream again!
m a y :
- watched Demon Slayer: Mugen Train in theaters!
- somehow survived finals
- started five new anime in the span of about two weeks
- also started two new jobs
- read lots of Tokyo Ghoul
j u n e :
- car rides with music blaring
- began to play Genshin Impact (and rage-quit a lot)
- my phone died, so I lost all my photos/data -_-
- AmaLee's Fullmetal Alchemist album release!
j u l y :
- dove even deeper into Discord chaos
- went to Realm Makers, one of the best weekends of my life <3
- learned to appreciate the little moments of each day
a u g u s t :
- saw lots of friends and family again
- finished a writing project three minutes before my self-imposed deadline XD
- moved back to college
- walked through the fog to 6:30 AM Mass <3
s e p t e m b e r :
- watched Bungou Stray Dogs with a friend through Discord
- joined a choir!
- prayed the Hail Mary in Elvish during my Tolkien class
o c t o b e r :
- sickness
- stress
- I hated this month honestly, can we not talk about it XD
n o v e m b e r :
- went to a theatre production for the first time in two years <3
- sat in an echoey stairwell talking to friends on the phone
- Thanksgiving!
- attempted a revised NaNo and epically failed
d e c e m b e r :
- finals 2.0
- Spotify Wrapped! ft. the same genre listed five different ways in my top genres section
- ruined my sleep schedule indefinitely by staying up way too late, all the time
- Christmas!
2021 was an odd year.
It was a year of growth and recession, of late nights and early mornings, of car drives with Spotify blaring and quiet moments in my dorm room. I listened to lots of music, watched way too much anime, and didn't read nearly enough.
It's been a weird year, to say the least, and I can't say I'm sad to see it go. But it had its moments, for which I'm so very grateful.
And I'm kind of excited for 2022! We're two days in, and they haven't been the most perfect days of all time. But that's okay.
Here's to 2022! I hope you have a wonderful new year with lots of exciting adventures and experiences. <3
-Nicole <3