
On "Graduating" YA and My Writing Journey

Collabs August 25, 2024

white space // aka why did I decide my return post should be surreal

Randomness January 07, 2024
it's been so long, I'm not sure if I remember how to do this. let's see what happens—------------------------------------------The white space sits, vast, silent, and empty. Nothing moves; nothing breathes. Just a void of whiteness spanning as far as the eye can see. Not that any eye sees it. It sits, almost as thought it is waiting for someone, though of course it can't really...Read More

A "Short" 2022 Wrap-Up // Favorite Books, Shows, and Moments

Happenings January 29, 2023

Thankfulness Thursdays I

November 03, 2022
(in case you've never heard of this trend, the wonderful Grace Anne has a social media tradition: each Thursday of November, she posts about what she's thankful for. school and other things are eating up a lot of my time, so I thought I'd join in this year. who knows whether I'll participate every week, but we'll find out! :D thankfulness for me...Read More

Hope Amidst Brokenness // rambles about Violet Evergarden

Faith + Musings June 05, 2022
Happy Sunday!Over the past few months, I've consumed a lot of stories - some good, some bad, some funny, some sad. (This summer you'll probably be hearing quite a bit about them XD.)Most recently, I just finished the eight-month-long process of watching Violet Evergarden, one of the most beautiful stories I think I've experienced. This is a fantastic beginner anime, so if you're looking...Read More

this semester in snippets

Happenings May 15, 2022
Happy Sunday!My semester finished up last week, to my relief, and because I have more free time now, it's time to write a blog post! I considered writing a "normal" wrap-up post about the past few months, but then I thought: why not switch it up a little?So here, take this non-linear, completely random view of my semester, because none of it felt...Read More