PRO-LIFE RED ALERT: We Need Prayers!

March 04, 2019

(Sadly, I’m not really kidding in the title.)

I can hear you all gasping. Nicole, a post on a Monday night? you ask. Well, I’m just going to tell you: my schedule is going to be wacky for the next two months. So if you get another post on a Wednesday next week, don’t be surprised.

Anyways, I’m trying to spread the word about something that’s going on in Illinois. And yes, it’s a pro-life issue.

So, in Illinois, there are two extreme pro-abortion bills being considered "in committee," which pretty much means that it hasn’t entered the House of Representatives for voting yet. As I said, they are EXTREME bills. For instance, they:

  • Allow abortions up until birth
  • Do not require parental consent for minors to have an abortion
  • Require every insurance to pay for abortions with no co-pays or deductibles (so the people having an abortion don’t have to pay for it)
  • Force doctors and nurses to participate in abortions, even if their religion or conscience warns against it
  • More!

(You can read more about these two bills right here, if you want.)

Obviously, this is not a good thing. As far as I know, this is more extreme than the bill passed in New York just recently.

So, what can we all do?


There is something special we can do!

My mom told me about these things called "witness slips," which are forms you can fill out that allow representatives to see how citizens feel about bills. Any citizen of Illinois thirteen or over can fill one out.

If you fit the requirements, I highly encourage you to fill out two witness slips, one for each bill. I will link them here (HB 2495) and here (HB2467). The witness slips will only be available until Wednesday, which is when the committee holds a hearing for the bills.

EVERYONE (including citizens):

Please, please pray. Obviously, we can’t do this alone. We need divine intervention so these bills won’t pass.

This is definitely not what I usually post, I know, but the word needs to spread about these bills quickly, and we need prayers.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!


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  1. Praying for sure. Be praying for Rhode Island as well—they have a similar bill upcoming.

    1. Thanks, Faith. And ooo, thanks for telling me! I’ll keep them in my prayers as well!

  2. Will definitely be praying, Nicole! This is terrible!

  3. My mind just can't wrap around how people can think it's okay to abort babies UNTIL BIRTH. Yet if somebody murders a baby AFTER they're born, it's considered a crime??

    Thank you for posting this. Praying. <3

    1. I completely agree with ALL of that! This issue is definitely something evil.

      Thanks, Emily!

  4. Oh, wow. That's insane. I know some people in Illinois and will try to share with some of them.

  5. Will be praying! It is so crazy what bills are being passed.

    1. Thanks, Rakayle! And I agree - sometimes I wonder how these bills are even proposed...

  6. Praying that people will come to their senses and realize how sacred ALL lives are.

  7. This is so terrible! I can't understand it. Why?! I'll be praying.

  8. This is so horrible, I'll be praying. <3

  9. There's so much awful legislation being pushed lately. (My dad works at an organization for parental rights and I've started volunteering around the office, so I've heard snippets about them.) I'll definitely be praying. I don't understand how anyone could choose to support these bills. :(

    1. I agree - it seems like every other bill is just horrible. And thanks, Ariel. I don’t understand either..... :(

  10. This is awful! I also heard that 21 states are suing Trump for a new policy limiting abortion. I thank God for some of the things Trump is doing, and I pray that he doesn't back down from any of it despite the hate he's getting. This nation - these little babies - certainly need our prayers!

    1. YES, THIS! I couldn’t put it any better myself. :)

  11. No, abortion is terrible! How could people do these things and not consider them murder?? I'll definitely be praying!!

    1. Exactly! I feel the same way! And thanks, Merie!


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